Legal Notice

Legal information about

  • Trade name: Effic
  • Address: C/ Roure, 6-8 pl.4ª, El Prat de Llobregat (08820 Barcelona)
  • Email Address:
  • Register data: Registered in the Mercantile Registry of Barcelona, volume 44396, folio 168, page B-454894
  • NIF: A67421230

Commercial information on the website

The information published on this website comes from sources considered to be reliable. Nonetheless, EFFIC SERVICIOS DE REHABILITACIÓN, S.A. does not guarantee that it is accurate, complete or updated. To confirm the information and for further details on it, interested parties must send a request through the Contact form or by calling the telephone number listed on the website.

Ownership and use of the website

This website and the domain through which it is accessed, are the property of EFFIC SERVICIOS DE REHABILITACIÓN, S.A. and all its components, such as texts, images, files, structure and design, are protected by Intellectual and Industrial Property regulations. The distribution, modification, sharing, copying or use of any sort of its contents for public or commercial purposes without the authorization of EFFIC SERVICIOS DE REHABILITACIÓN, S.A. is prohibited.

It is also forbidden to establish links, hyperlinks or links from portals or websites of third parties to Effic web pages other than the home page of its portal, accessible at the address,, or that which replaces it in the future, as well as to present the web pages of Effic, or the information contained therein under distinctive signs, trademarks or trade names or of another person, company or entity.

With regard to information and access to its website, Effic:

  • Does not guarantee the lawfulness or legality of the information or elements that may appear in pages other than that of the Effic website when Effic or the companies of its Group do not own said pages, although it undertakes to do everything possible to prevent the presence on its website of unlawful content and, in the event that it has actual knowledge of such content, to remove said content or prevent access thereto.
  • To the extent permitted by applicable law, Effic will in no case be liable for any loss or harm of any kind that may arise from accessing and using this website, including, but not limited to, loss or harm arising in computer systems, or caused by the penetration of viruses and/or cyber attacks or any other unlawful intrusions, security or browsing errors, or due to telecommunications crashes, disruptions, outages or failures.
  • We reserve the right to make changes to the current content of its website without prior notice when it deems appropriate, and may prevent or limit access thereto temporarily or permanently.

Use of site content

All content published on the website, including, but not limited to, copyrights, rights similar or related to copyrights or sui generis rights on databases, patents, utility models, industrial designs, graphics, source code, texts, images, photographs, trademarks, trade names, logos, slogans, domain names, social profiles, interfaces, musical and/or audiovisual works, trade secrets and know-how, regardless of whether they have been registered, registration has been applied for or they are not registered, (hereinafter, the "Content") are owned by EFFIC SERVICIOS DE REHABILITACIÓN, S.A. or have been granted to it through a license for exploitation, and are protected by all applicable laws on intellectual and industrial property, including antitrust laws.

The website may include links to external third party websites independent of Effic (hereinafter referred to as "Third Party Websites"). Effic includes these links to offer its users the possibility of accessing other web sites that it believes may be of interest to them. Third Party Websites are outside our control and we disclaim any liability for the content of such websites. Therefore, the fact that the website includes links to Third Party Web Sites does not in any way imply that Effic has approved or agrees with the content or information published on said sites. Accordingly, we assume no obligation whatsoever with respect to the content or information published by Third Party Websites and, as such, access to Third Party Websites shall be under the user's sole responsibility.

Publication of content on the website

The sharing or uploading of content to Effic or to the website by any means the user grants Effic a free worldwide license to reproduce, distribute, modify and publish said content. Effic reserves in any case the right to use said content.

Exclusions of liability

To the extent permitted by applicable law, Effic assumes no liability whatsoever for decisions made by the user based on the information provided on the website, nor for any direct or indirect harm or loss that may be suffered as a result of actions based on the site or the contents.

Effic shall assume no liability for damage to the user's hardware, software and/or data caused by any virus or malicious software or content. The user shall be solely responsible for installing the necessary tools on his or her computer or device to detect threats and prevent the computer, device, hardware, software and/or data from being damaged in any way.

Applicable law and competent jurisdiction

These general terms and conditions of use are governed by Spanish law. Without prejudice to any rights you may have as a consumer or user, any dispute arising from matters relating to the website shall be subject to the exclusive authority and jurisdiction of the Courts and Tribunals of the city of Barcelona.